Neuroethics Solutions for the Neurotechnology Industry

Is ethics an integral part of your technology development toolkit?

Paying attention to ethical issues in the design and implementation of technology is critical not only to delivering the highest quality solutions for customers and ensuring adherence to regulatory norms, it is also a key component in building trust between technology developers and stakeholders.

The National Core for Neuroethics, an elite research group located in Vancouver at the University of British Columbia, is a world leader in understanding how to integrate society’s ethical traditions with frontier technological developments in the neurosciences. Through our extensive body of work and network of experts, we provide real world, practical guidance on how to meaningfully incorporate ethics into modern technology.

We will be holding a roundtable workshop on March 12-13, 2018 that will bring together thought leaders from industry, government, and academia to share insights into how ethics can help technology innovators create products that align with societal values. In so doing, we hope to enable innovative organizations to strengthen their brands and retain social license.

The process will be as follows:

Between November 2017 and January 2018
A fact-finding 15-20 min phone conversation to discuss technology innovations and specific ethics needs from your organization. We will draw on some of these to develop cases to present at the workshop with your permission.

End of January 2018
Distribution of final agenda, with summaries of all planned presentations

March 12-13, 2018

March – April 2018
Follow-up interview to close off any questions remaining after the workshop, to hear your feedback on whether the session met your organization’s needs, and explore opportunities for further collaboration

June 2018
Distribution of workshop summary and synthesis

For further information, please contact Peter Reiner at