Louise Harding receives “Best Overall Contribution: Clinical Neuroethics” Award at the 2020 International Neuroethics Society Meeting
Congratulations to Neuroethics Canada’s Ms. Louise Harding for receiving the “Best Overall Contribution: Clinical Neuroethics” Award at the 2020 International Neuroethics Society Meeting! In line with this award, Ms. Harding received a £150 Book Voucher sponsored by Springer. Presentation title: Rights and meanings: Advanced technologies for disorders of the brain Team: Louise Harding, Jacob McFarlane, […]
GGconversations takes a question from Neuroethics Canada’s Dr. Judy Illes on team science and the importance of interdisciplinarity
At the recent GGconversations (September 24, 2020 episode), Her Excellency the Right Honourable Governor General Julie Payette and Quebec’s Chief Scientist Dr. Rémi Quirion take a question from Dr. Judy Illes on team science and discuss the importance of interdisciplinarity. To watch the episode, click on the clip below: For more information, please visit: https://www.gg.ca/en/ggconversations#QuirionEN
MHCC injects board with the insights and experience of youth
Medical student, peer supporter and mental health champion Armaghan Alam embraces a new challenge. Click the title to read more.
‘It is like sitting on a cliff’: September, schools and pre-traumatic stress disorder in COVID times
It’s little surprise our dreams are more vivid, more epic, more wild than usual. Any big, dramatic event tends to stir up dreams, but negative ones dial up anxiety dreaming. Click the title to read more.
Congratulations to Core’s Armaghan Alam for being appointed to the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s Board of Directors
Armaghan (Army) Alam, second year UBC medical student and student researcher at Neuroethics Canada, has recently been appointed to the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s (MHCC’s) Board of Directors. Army will be joining the board as its youngest sitting director. In this role, Army will work with the other board directors to oversee and provide […]
‘Optimism tinged with anxiety’: What to expect from the next 100 days of COVID-19, according to experts
Experts share what to expect from the next 100 days of COVID-19. Click the title to read more.
$1.5 million to develop a Canadian brain research strategy
A pan-Canadian team of researchers has received a $1.5 million grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to develop a strategy that will position the advancement of knowledge about the brain as a national research priority and support the creation of the Canadian Brain Research Strategy Network. Click the title to read more.
Statement on Violence, COVID, and Structural Racism in American Society from The Association of Bioethics Program Directors
On behalf of Neuroethics Canada’s Dr. Judy Illes, we would like to share the Statement on Violence, COVID, and Structural Racism in American Society released on June 15, 2020. This statement is from the Association of Bioethics Program Directors for which Dr. Illes serves as the lead for Canadian members. Click here for the statement: […]
What about pre-traumatic stress disorder?
Dr. Chris Feehan describes his ongoing work with Neuroethics Canada on identifying and mitigating traumatic stress in health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Next Health-Care Crisis? The patients who have been waiting out COVID-19
Core’s Dr. Judy Illes comments on the indirect effect of COVID-19 on access to health care including routine or annual screenings aimed at preventing more serious health issues. Click the title to read more.