Archived News

COVID-19: Vaccination passports likely on way for travel, though fraught with concerns

Canada won’t leave the country behind if other countries adopt ‘vaccine passports’ as a requirement for international travel, but domestically, politicians are wary of the ethical pitfalls that would go with such programs. Click the title to read more.

Neuroethics rise to the challenge

When it comes to studying the brain, it’s essential to consider the many ethical questions that often arise. Neuroethics Canada is a research group that’s part of the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health and led by Dr. Judy Illes. Click the title to read more.

Inside Frank Plummer’s brain

The legendary scientist turned to highly experimental deep brain stimulation to treat his own alcoholism. He’d devoted his whole life to science, he joked. Why not his brain, too? The research he took part in is revolutionizing how we treat the world’s most stigmatized illnesses. Click here to read the article (PDF).

A plan of last resort: Choosing who lives and dies if ICUs turn into virus war zones

It may sound dystopian and dehumanized. But far worse than a random number generator would be a human being having to choose who gets life-saving treatment. Click the title to read more.

Resilience in Indigenous health research during COVID-19

Core’s Ms. Louise Harding’s letter with Drs. Judy Illes & Malcolm King was published in CMAJ about how Indigenous communities are adapting cultural protocols to virtual settings during COVID-19 to continue important health-promoting work. Click the title to read more.

Geriatric medicine trailblazer and Bowen Islander appointed to Order of Canada

Bowen Islanders may know Lynn McArthur as past president of the Garden Club but it was her illustrious alter-ego, Dr. Lynn Beattie, who was appointed a member of the Order of Canada last week. Click the title to read more.

Neuroethics Canada’s Dr. B. Lynn Beattie appointed to the Order of Canada

Neuroethics Canada’s Dr. B. Lynn Beattie has been appointed to the Order of Canada for her pioneering contributions to the field of geriatric medicine in Canada and abroad. Click the title to read more.

UBC faculty appointed to Order of Canada

November 27, 2020 Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, announced 114 new appointments to the Order of Canada.Created in 1967, the Order of Canada is one of our country’s highest honours. Click the title to read more.

The unique mental health and brain impacts of COVID-19

As COVID-19 infections spike around the globe, with no end in sight for months, questions are beginning to arise around the long-term effects of the pandemic on our mental health and brain health. Click the title to read more.

Louise Harding receives “Best Overall Contribution: Clinical Neuroethics” Award at the 2020 International Neuroethics Society Meeting

Congratulations to Neuroethics Canada’s Ms. Louise Harding for receiving the “Best Overall Contribution: Clinical Neuroethics” Award at the 2020 International Neuroethics Society Meeting! In line with this award, Ms. Harding received a £150 Book Voucher sponsored by Springer. Presentation title: Rights and meanings: Advanced technologies for disorders of the brain Team: Louise Harding, Jacob McFarlane, […]