Is the idea of the postdoc position obsolete in today’s scientific landscape?
Cody Lo and other young scientists respond to the role of postdocs in today’s research environment at the recent issue of NextGen VOICES by Science Magazine. Click the title to read more.
Podcast: Sexism in science: Is anything changing?
Core’s Dr. Judy Illes speaks at CBC’s Ontario Today June 24 edition on women in science and engineering. Podcast Source: CBC Radio: Ontario Today (June 24, 2015)
Howe ‘doing well’ after stem cell treatments
Gordie Howe’s family says he has gone ‘for daily walks and helps out around the house’ at his son Murray’s home in Ohio since undergoing a second stem cell treatment this month. Click the title to read more.
When a scientist can’t measure a non-level playing field, it’s ‘guy blindness’
Elizabeth Renzetti writes for the Globe and Mail in response to Nobel Prize winner Sir Timothy Hunt’s recent comments about female scientists. Click the title to read more.
A source of hope in early-onset dementia
A group of 18 people – mostly baby boomers – sit around tables at a downtown Vancouver hotel, laughing and chatting. They’re dressed in jeans and khakis, polos and T-shirts. There’s nothing to suggest this is anything more than a lunch date. Click the title to read more.
Is it fair to make a public appeal for a live organ donor?
The public response to the appeal on behalf of Eugene Melnyk, owner of the Ottawa Senators hockey team, for a liver donor has been a heartwarming demonstration of the generosity of our community. Fortunately, it appears from media reports that there is a good chance he will receive a life-saving transplant in time. To read […]
Canadian museum urged to address gender gap in science hall of fame
Nearly 100 faculty members at the University of British Columbia and other universities across the country are pressing the head of the Canada Science and Technology Museum in Ottawa to take swifter action in addressing the lack of female nominees to the hall of fame it hosts.
Podcast: Ethics In Spinal Cord Injury
Core’s Cody Lo discusses Ethics in Spinal Cord Injury at the recent UBC Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC). Listen to his talk as part of MURC’s podcast series:
Why there are still far too few women in STEM
Women are enrolling in science and engineering in record numbers, but rarely win awards and often leave the field. What’s happening? Women are being forced out of careers in science and engineering, not because they can’t juggle babies and Bunsen burners, but because they’re discouraged at every turn by thousands of small, sexist moments that […]
Science hall of fame has no excuse for ignoring women
The Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame has nominated no women for the second year in a row, but we had no problem coming up with names. Click the title to read more.