Archived News

Members of the Core featured at NextGen’s VOICES

Members of the Core’s responses on the question “What is the most challenging ethical question facing young investigators in your field? How should it be addressed?” featured at Science Magazine’s NextGen’s VOICES.

Opinion: Climate right for environmental neuroethics

Drs. Judy Illes, Ralph Matthews and Julie Robillard write on environmental neuorethics at a special article for the Vancouver Sun.

9-Volt Nirvana

Core’s Dr. Peter Reiner and Nicholas Fitz featured at Radiolab Podcasts on access to “brain zappers” and its implications.

Online memory test developed by Toronto medical clinic aimed at a society increasingly worried over Alzheimer’s

Read Core’s Dr Julie Robillard’s comments on online tests for Alzheimers in the article by the National Post.

The Ethics of Erasing Bad Memories

The Atlantic’s piece, “The Ethics of Erasing Bad Memories”, quotes Dr. Judy Illes on memories and its value on personhood.

U.S. BRAIN Initiative Gets Ethical Advice

Science News ‘s piece “U.S. BRAIN Initiative Gets Ethical Advice” quotes Core’s Dr. Judy Illes.

UBC gets $8.5M boost for eight Canada Research Chairs

Research ranging from Latin poetry to neuroethics at the University of British Columbia has received an $8.5 million boost in federal funding for eight professors appointed or renewed as Canada Research Chairs….

Podcast: Intellectual Muscle

Dr. Judy Illes on “In perilous pursuit of perfection : the ethics of neuroscience in sport”. Intellectual Muscle: University Dialogues for the Vancouver 2010 Games was developed by Vancouver 2010 and the University of British Columbia Continuing Studies in collaboration with universities across Canada and The Globe and Mail. Click here for more information. Listen to the […]

Speaker’s Corner at NeuroDevNet’s Brain Development Conference 2013

Core’s Dr. Judy Illes and Dr. Grace Lee featured at the Speaker’s Corner during NeuroDevNet’s Brain Development Conference 2013.   Watch Dr. Illes’ spot at 0:17: Watch Dr. Lee’s spot at 0:28:

Orphans to History: A Response to the Bucharest Early Intervention Project Investigators

Dr. Joseph J. Fins on ” Orphans to History: A Response to the Bucharest Early Intervention Project Investigators” at the Bioethics Forum blog.